Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Science and Technology
Tathawade, Pune- 411033.

University Responsibilities

The University will use its best endeavours to:

  • Supply current and potential students with access to accurate and clear information about University courses, application and entry procedures, credit transfer policies, fees and associated costs, and financial support prior to the enrolment period.
  • Select students for entry into University and individual courses by fair procedures with clearly stated entry criteria, consistent with statutory requirements.
  • Publicize its current Guidelines for Prevention of Cheating in Examinations and Coursework; the proper use of copyright material; ethical concerns regarding the use of human and animal subjects in research; and intellectual property rights. This information should be made available to students through the University Calendar and, where appropriate, departmental/faculty handbooks.
  • Provide an academic environment in which students can be stimulated to reach a high level of intellectual attainment.
  • Ensure that guidance on how to use the library, write assignments, and prepare for tests, exams and other forms of assessment will be available to students.
  • Provide opportunities for students to participate in, and provide feedback on, the teaching and research activities of the University.
  • Provide a harmonious work and study environment in which complaints and student grievances will be addressed through explicit and efficient procedures and resolved as quickly and fairly as possible.
  • Provide an environment free from harassment and discrimination, consistent with the Human Rights Act 1993 and University's Harassment policy, and facilitate the expeditious investigation and just resolution of alleged harassment or discrimination.
  • Help provide student support services including: health and counselling services; financial advice; learning assistance; early childhood education facilities; career planning; recreational facilities; and accommodation information.
  • Provide equal educational opportunities.
  • Ensure that compulsory subjects are appropriately timetabled and sufficient optional subjects are available to enable course completion within the specified minimum time.
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