Ordinance & Regulations - UG Courses & Integrated Courses
Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Science & Technology is now offering B. Tech. (Computer Science and Design) and B. Tech.(Artificial Intelligence and Data Science).
- Introduction
- Academic Qualities
- Curriculum / Program of Study
- Examination & Assessment
- Seminars & Projects in Industry
- Performance Requirement
- Miscellaneous
- Procedure for Enquiry & Punishment
The Academic Programs of the Institute are governed by the Rules and Regulations laid down by the Board of Management of the Dr D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth on the recommendations of its Academic Council of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth. The Faculty of Technology of the University continuously monitors all academic programs in Technology area and makes appropriate changes/improvements as and when required. These monitor specific requirements in these up-coming disciplines and take necessary measures to update the curriculum and course structure, as and when necessary.