Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Science and Technology
Tathawade, Pune- 411033.

Save Paper, Preserve Trees, and Go Digital to Safeguard the Environment for Future Generations

Save Paper, Preserve Trees, and Go Digital to Safeguard the Environment for Future Generations

Promoting eco-conscious education: Go digital, save paper, and preserve trees. Embrace sustainable practices for a greener future.

Dr. Manisha Bhende
August, 31 2023

India, as a developing nation, has always esteemed engineers as pioneers who contribute to the development, growth, and prosperity of the country. It is highly crucial to enhance knowledge, integrate skills and ethics, and amalgamate technology to remain competitive in this era of globalization. With the emergence of technological modernization, the engineering education system requires reorganization and reform.

Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune, along with Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Science & Technology, is committed not only to nurturing values but also to fulfilling emerging needs and accomplishing its educational objectives. The planning and execution of the teaching-learning environment and extension activities aim to instill in students a sense of social responsibility and fulfilment. Keep this motto in mind:

"Save the environment, and you'll save lives and the future."

The paper-dependent educational institution consumes more than 10,000 sheets of paper annually, significantly impacting the global tree population in a negative way. Therefore, let's mitigate these effects. The institute has transitioned to paperless communication for most activities. All notifications and circulars are now sent via emails, ERP to faculty and students. We employ various online platforms such as ERP, Google Meet, Zoom, and Google Classrooms for knowledge sharing. The institution possesses an exclusive license for live streaming by participants. It offers digital learning resources to implement effective teaching and learning techniques and to encourage the extensive use of ICT-enabled tools. ICT-enabled classrooms are available. Computer terminals equipped with i7 processors, high-speed Internet connections, and round-the-clock Wi-Fi facility are provided for optimal utilization of ICT. Google Classroom serves as a platform to establish a virtual learning environment and distribute classwork, share study materials, upload sample question papers, assign tasks, and communicate announcements. Internal evaluation and assessment are conducted through Google Classroom and ERP.

"After all, this is the digital age, and we must all embrace digitalization."

The institute diligently works to maintain a green and orderly campus. The institute's guiding principle is to contribute to the environment's well-being and conserve available resources. Its teaching, outcomes, research, student development, and all socially relevant initiatives reflect these institutional values and exemplary practices. Students serve as the most valuable resource for translating these principles into action. Faculty and students are motivated and educated about preserving and enhancing natural resources. To counter automotive pollution, staff and students are encouraged to carpool.

The institute arranges educational programs to educate students about the benefits and techniques of energy conservation. Under the leadership of the institute, various eco-friendly measures have been implemented to ensure a clean, green, and pleasant campus. All campus buildings are designed with careful consideration for minimal electricity consumption, maximal illumination, and ventilation. This reduction in electricity usage indirectly contributes to a decrease in carbon footprints. The use of plastic bags is avoided on campus.

"Let’s make your workplace green to keep the globe clean."


Dr. Manisha Bhende

Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune

(Deemed University)

Dr. D. Y. Patil School of Science & Technology, Tathawade, Pune

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