Presentation Guidelines

Guidelines for Paper Presentation

1. All the delegates are required to be present at the venue 15 minutes before of the commencement of the session.

2. All online delegates are required to present in the lobby 5 minutes before joining the meeting link.

3. All delegates who present online should verify the working of all the devices (computer, mic, speaker, and internet connection) prior to the commencement of the session.

4. For online presentation mode present slides from your end, and turn your camera on.

5. For each technical presentation, 15 minutes will be provided (10 minutes for paper presentation and 5 minutes for question & answer). Total number of slides for presentation should be limited to 15 slides (max)

6. Time limit has to be strictly followed.

7. Mention details like Conference name, paper ID, paper title, author details and affiliation in the first slide.

8. In the references slide, references must be the same as mentioned in the paper.

9. Slide Specifications

  • Font Type of Heading: Calibri
  • Font Color of Heading: any suitable color
  • Font Type of Content: Calibri
  • Font Size of Content: 24 (preferably)
  • Font Color of Content: Black/ of your choice.
  • Number of slides should not be more than 15.

10. Slides may be linked wherever required, for easy Reference.

11. Presentation must be saved in the .pptx format or compatibility mode (97-2003 formats) or in PDF format.

12. For Online presentations, download and install Google Meet or Microsoft Teams app on your PCs.